Yesterday was a good mail day for me. I don't normally get any snail mail at all, but yesterday i received three items in the mail: the first was from an old friend in the States, the second was a bulletin from my alma mater and the third was a much-awaited brochure from the NYFA.
I opened the envelope from my Stateside friends first, knowing full well that it contained photos from my recent visit. I smiled to myself as I reviewed our crazy zombie moments walking down Hollywood Boulevard, sleepless and ridiculously happy. I smiled as I read the card they sent, reminiscing about simpler times. The photo on front of the Kodak Theater (sadly, contraluz, it was the only picture of the three of us together), with my old elementary school teachers in the hotel lobby, with Saleen and the Hollywood sign barely discernible in the distance, with Jaowi and horrendously huge eyebags in front of the El Capitan... How I wish I was that skinny again! But alas, upon returning home shortly after those pictures were taken I took to food and beer as a bee to flowers and honey.
And then, wanting to open my NYFA brochure in the presence of someone who could fully appreciate the value of it to me, I opened my Ateneo bulletin instead. But after ingesting news tidbits about this year's batch of freshmen and the renewed hopes of the school for the upcoming UAAP season, I decided that I couldn't hold back any longer and so I rummaged around my room for a pair of scissors and ripped my brochure open.
Ang sarap ng feeling nung binabasa ko yung brochure. I could almost smell New York off the pages. I could actually picture myself as part of a four-man crew, filming in the streets of New York, writing scripts, attending classes, trying to find work in the off hours, editing during weekends. Ang saya.
In fact I dreamed of New York last night. Of the busy streets, the chilly weather, the bright lights, tall buildings... and of Diether Ocampo with long hair as my Stateside ex boyfriend. Even in my dreams my work haunts me. Damn. Wala akong kawala.
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